[摘要] 钱钟书是近代著名作家、文学研究家。他的代表作《围城》是一部家喻户晓的长篇讽刺小说。《围城》以旧中国中上层知识分子病态畸形生活为描写对象,语言幽默而辛辣。小说的讽刺艺术别具一格,妙趣横生。各种比喻精辟、新颖,令人拍案叫绝且俯拾即是。钱钟书以漫画式的夸张笔法调侃芸芸众生,且多引用外文来讽刺旧中国知识分子的崇洋媚外。《围城》展示了各种人生困境,以小说中四个贯穿方鸿渐生活的主要的女性人物为例,她们便各有各的“围城”。人生处处存在“围城”,又或者,人生就是“围城”。
[关键词] 钱钟书;围城; 讽刺; 比喻; 夸张; 困境
[Abstract] Qian is a famous modern chinese writer and a literature-researcher. His most famous magnum opus is Fortress Besieged; it is a household full-length critical novel. Fortress Besieged takes the terrible life of the middle and upper intellectuals of old China as the description object. The word is humorous but pungent. The satire art of novel has a distinctive style and it is very interesting. Various of metaphors is incisive and novel, makes people applaud madly and can find everywhere. Qian often use caricature to ridicule all living things, and quotes many English words to satirize intellectuals’ behaviours, worship and have blind faith in foreign things. Fortress Besieged shows various of dilemma of life. Take four female characters who run through Fang’s life. For example, they all have their own “fortress besieged”. Life has “fortress besieged” in everywhere, or, life is “fortress besieged”.
[Key words] Qian Zhongshu; Fortress Besieged; satire; analogy; exaggeration; dilemma