[摘要] 随着新课改如火如荼的推行,教学方式也随之需要推陈出新。“表演”作为语文活动教学方式之一,能够有效得增强学生学习兴趣,把课堂变枯燥为有趣,也可以充分调动学生的想象力,表达能力以及同学之间交流合作能力等。本文以”表演”一词为突破口,论述新形势下表演对教育、生命发展及语文课的意义。
[关键词] 表演;教育;语文;
[Abstract] With the implementation of the new curriculum reform swing,the way of teaching also need Innovation.“Performance”,as one of the Chinese activity teaching methods,can effectively enhance the interests of students in learning,change classroom from boring to funny,which also can fully mobilize students’ imagination,expression ability and ability of communication and cooperation between the classmates,etc. In this paper,I will make the word of performing as one of the breakthroughs to exploring the meaning of teaching approach of the education 、life and Chinese activity lesson with performance.
[Key words] performance; teaching;Chinese