Abstract: The characteristics of secretary are dual, diversity, different in the expectation, and the latent nature in the secretary's activities. In real life ,leaders, the public ,and the secretary themselves have cognitive errors in the role of secretary, and the main causes of these errors are the culture of secretary with a strong “official standard culture” fouling, the uneven quality of secretary, the category level of the specific job functions and the lack of a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the negative media publicity secretary excessive. In a word, only the secretary have the correct role perception, role of the initial position, role expectations, role conflict and so on, can they realize their role in value to the secretary of the formation of a real professional personality.
Key words: Secretary; Role; Location
秘书职责的多样性决定了秘书角色的多样性。在秘书的实际工作中,秘书工作千头万绪,涉及面广,内容丰富,是多方面的。就其活动范围而言,党政机关,企事业单位,各行各业,秘书无处不在。因此其角色行为延伸广泛,无所不容。而就其工作内容而言,文书处理、公务接待、调查研究、文稿起草、信息收集、组织会议 、沟通协调、信访事物、信息保密、商务谈判等都是秘书的工作内容。在实际工作中,秘书分别扮演了参谋、助手、管理者、作家、公关员、接待员等角色。在秘书的诸多角色中,有时角色是相矛盾的,也就是两个角色或两个以上的角色同时提出两种相反的或难以协调的角色行为要求,同时,社会要求扮演的角色与秘书自身价值系统所认同的角色不可能完全一致,甚至是相互矛盾的,这就产生了角色冲突,可能造成秘书的认知失调。