关键字:秘书; 会议; 礼仪
Abstract: With the changing times, people organization meeting form has changed very greatly, style more and more. Meanwhile, the rapid development of social etiquette had higher update request. This is to the secretary staff put forward new challenge, want to make a good secretary, must want to master meeting etiquette, so can improve organizational and individual efficiency and image.
This article from the meeting etiquette select five concrete meeting form, at the meeting of the Secretary of the requirements made of the ritual,are analyzed to explore how to strengthen modern secretarial staff skill and accomplishment, Especially for different meeting etiquette skills of mastery, can enhance their vocational skills for his secretary to provide some help, Let the secretary quickly absorb meeting etiquette theory and accurate used in practice, thus improve the organization ability, eventually become an excellent modern secretary.
Key words: Secretary; meeting; etiquette
现代秘书的公关工作处于连接上下、沟通左右、协调内外的枢纽地位, 肩负着搜集和反馈信息的重大职责,具有特殊性。它的特殊体现在工作性质、工作方法、工作内容和工作对象上, 而且对秘书各方面素质也提出了很高的要求,而掌握会议礼仪是其中一个重要方面。秘书在从事公关活动中,不仅要道德高尚、才思敏捷、能说会道,能写一手好文章,还要能够掌握各种会议的会议礼仪。然而, 在实际工作中, 人们往往看重秘书表达和写作能力, 却忽视了秘书掌握会议礼仪的重要性。显然, 这种现象与现代文秘人员所必须具备的素质和修养是不相符的,本文试从秘书会议礼仪的角度分析秘书工作的艺术特色,从如何加强现代文秘人员的工作修养,提高会议礼仪掌握能力等角度,探究成为一名优秀秘书的因素。