[摘要] 秘书职业化是现代社会职业分工的要求,也是实现秘书工作向纵深发展的必然趋势。由于我国还处于秘书职业化的初始阶段,因此职业化的进程中还有许多不良因素阻碍其发展。本文就秘书职业化的现状与发展进行了研究,先详细阐述了秘书职业化的涵义以及兴起,再重点分析了我国秘书职业化所呈现出的新特点及职业化进程中的阻碍因素,最后从我国国情出发,找出相应的对策来解决发展过程中的问题,进而对我国秘书职业化的发展做出新的展望,使得职业化进程日益完善,尽快与国际接轨。
[关键词] 秘书职业化 兴起 现状 对策 发展
[Abstract] The professionalization of secretary is the requirement of professional division of labor in morden society, and is also the necessary trend for secretary to develop deeply. Since our country is in the initial stage of secretary professional, there are many undesirable factors to impede the development in the professional process. So this article will be discussed about status quo and development of secretary professionalization, first it illustrates the implication and spring up of secretary professionalization , then selective analysis the new features and obstructive factors about our country’s secretary professionalization, finally, accroding to the condition of our country to find out right measures to slove problems in the development, and then make a new look about our development of secretary professionalization, to make it more perfect, and to integrate with the world market as soon as possible.
[Key words] secretary professionalization spring up condition strategy development
随着经济的发展、科技的进步, 秘书知识技能专业化呈不断强化的趋势,秘书要不断适应主体的变化和需要, 因此必须使得知识技能专业化, 以符合行业的要求。秘书知识技能的专业化也为秘书走职业化道路提供了可行的依据。秘职业化是现代社会职业分工的要求,是实现秘书工作向纵深发展的必然趋势,是治理秘书腐败的基本途径。尽快研究并实现我国秘书职业化的途径是当前理论工作者和实际工作者义不容辞的责任。为此,我们应该大胆借鉴国外的经验,结合中国国情,提出可行的方针政策,使我国尽快步入秘书职业化时代。