关键词:全宋词 语言 词典 注释 商榷
Abstract: The definition is the primary standard to measure the quality of a dictionary. The Language Dictionary of the Complete Ci-Poetry of Song Dynasty is an authoritative chorological language dictionary studying the language of Song Dynasty. Its definition of the word is generally accurate and quotable. However, because of some objective factors, even in this dictionary, there are some improper explanations. This paper is to discuss about some definitions worthy of consideration in the language dictionaries. The relevant words are listed as follows: eight hundred miles, the moaning and fierce sound of autumn wind, face-to-face, recycling of life, percussion and wind music, vague appearance, experts in writing, regular residence. Based on the references and previous researches, this paper attempts to work out the most appropriate definitions of the words mentioned above.
Key words: Complete Ci-Poetry of Song Dynasty; language; dictionary; definition; complement
近代汉语是指从唐五代至清初这一阶段的汉语,每个朝代都有其各具特色的语言载体,唐代的诗歌,宋代的词,元代的曲等等,自从五六十年代以来,以这些时代性的文学体裁作品为基础而进行的断代语言研究逐步繁荣起来,最著名的有张相先生的《诗词曲语辞汇释》(中华书局,1953)和蒋礼鸿的《敦煌变文字义通释》(增订本,上海古籍出版社,1981)。改革开放以后,这一领域的研究更是出现了蓬勃发展的局面,各类断代语言词典不断出现。其中2007年中华书局出版的《<全宋词>语言词典》是一部以宋词的语言为研究对象的专书辞典,所收词目,集中体现了宋代词作的语言特色,是研治宋代汉语不可忽略的重要材料。作者以唐圭璋先生所编《全宋词》(中华书局,1965)为底本收录词目。在两万来首词作的研治基础上,经过反复探讨、筛选、比较,从中择取了大量的口头语言词语,举例而言,包括:1.市语2.俗语 3.民俗、节令、生活琐事词语 4.谚语 5.歇后语 6.方言词 7.谐谑、切口、拆字等词语。这类词语是研究近代汉语词汇史的珍贵材料。