关键词:米兰•昆德拉 《不能承受的生命之轻》 复调
Abstract: The Czech contemporary writer Milan•Kundera had won international fame,whose masterpiece "The Unbearable Lightness of Life" inherited and developed Bakhtin's theory of polyphonic novel in the creation of novels' forms and techniques.He broke the boundaries of styles in the novel,and put the narrative, discussion, essays and other styles together.In order to form multiple voices,and to constitute a troll,he also mixed characters' consciousness and the author's consciousness together.The different historical time, story time and narrative time also been disrupted in the novel to be free from the limit of time,aiming at creating the space effect of novels.Milan•Kundera has opened up a new way of the development of European novels.
Key words:fMilan•Kundera "The Unbearable Lightness of Life" polyphony