[摘要] 目的:探讨某二本高校学生学业拖延与完美主义的现状及相关关系。 方法:采用拖延评定量表学生版(PASS)和多维完美主义量表(FMPS)对400名某二本高校学生进行施测(有效问卷376份)。 研究结果表明:(1)学业拖延方面:男女生在写学期论文、学业管理任务和列席任务上存在显著差异,女生在写学期论文上更加拖延,而在学业管理任务和列席任务上男生更拖延。但在改变拖延行为的愿望程度上差异不显著。在写学期论文、完成每周作业、列席任务、一般学校活动和总拖延程度上,大四学生拖延程度最高;而在改变拖延愿望上,大一学生希望改变拖延行为的愿望程度要显著高于大二学生;其他年级之间的差异均不显著。(2)完美主义方面:在父母期望、条理性、父母批评、个人标准以及行动疑虑上,男女生存在显著差异。男生知觉更多父母批评,而女生更受父母期望、条理性、个人标准和行动疑虑的影响。在父母批评上,大二大四学生得分显著高于大一大三;在担心出错上,大四学生得分显著高于其他年级学生,而大二与大三学生差异不显著,并都显著高于大一;在完美主义总分上大二大三大四学生完美主义得分显著高于大一;在个人标准,条理性,父母期望和行动疑虑上各年级不存在显著差异。(3)相关关系方面:父母批评、担心出错与学业拖延程度呈正相关,条理性与学业拖延程度呈负相关,完美主义总分、父母期望、个人标准和行动疑虑与学业拖延程度不存在显著相关。即父母批评越多,越担心出错,条理性越差,学业拖延越高。
[关键词] 二本学生; 学业拖延; 完美主义
[Abstract] Objective: To explore the status of academic procrastination and perfectionism, the relationship between academic procrastination and perfectionism in a college. Methods: To 400 college students as subjects, using Procrastination Assessment Scale Student (PASS) and Frost multidimensional perfectionism scale (FMPS) . It showed that: (1) Academic delay aspects: There were significant difference between boys and girls in writing term papers, academic management tasks and attend task, there was no significant difference in change of desire extent procrastination behavior . In writing term papers and total delay extent, the highest degree seniors delay; And in change, a freshman delaying wishes to change the desire to delay behavior significantly higher than sophomore degree. The difference between other grades are not significant. (2)Perfectionism aspects: In PE, OR, PC, PS and DA, there were no significant difference between girls and boys. In PC, seniors and sophomores were significantly higher freshman and junior; In CM, senior student score significantly higher than other first-year student, and no significant sophomore and junior students; Divide the total perfection on seniors perfectionism sophomore junior were significantly higher freshman; In personal standards, orderly, parents expect and actions do not exist significant differences in doubt. (3)Related aspects: Academic procrastination was significantly negatively correlated with PC and CM, was significantly negatively correlated with OR. Academic procrastination was no significantly correlated with PE,PS,DA and perfectionism.
[Key words] college student;academic procrastination;perfectionism