[摘 要] 本研究采用“自我效能感综合量表”和“中学生心理健康自评量表”对南京市两所普高、两所职高共1117名学生进行了测量,试图了解高中生的自我效能感和心理健康水平以及两者之间的关系。研究结果显示:高中生自我效能感总体良好;在性别、年级、学校性质、独生与非独生子女、班干与非班干之间存在显著;高中生心理健康水平在性别、年级、学校性质、专业方向、独生与非独生子女、班干与非班干之间存在显著;高中生自我效能感与心理健康量表得分之间呈显著负相关。
[关键词]:高中生 自我效能感 心理健康 相关性
Abstact This article studies the self-efficacy, mental-health and their relationship. 1117 students from normal general senior and vocational high school are tested with the self一efficacy comprehensive scale and the MMHI-60 Scale. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: the total level of senior school students’ self-efficacy is relatively high; senior high school students’ self-efficacy vary greatly according to gender, grade, type of school, the only child or not, cadre or not in class; distinct differences of the level of mental health exist in gender, grade, type of school, arts or sciences, the only child or not, cadre or non-cadre in class; senior students’ self-efficacy relates positively to the level of mental health.
Key words: senior school students;self-efficacy; mental health; correlating research