关键词: 现代 传统 动画 分镜表 区别
Abstract:This article inquired into the modern animation is divided the mirror and the traditional animation minute mirror difference.Narrated first has divided the mirror in the animation manufacture flow position and its vital significance.The contrast modern animation is divided the mirror and the traditional animation is divided the mirror in the style and the content diversity and the same spot.Studies the Japanese popular TV animation in the Chinese mostly independent animation company style this present situation, my minute mirror experience mostly comes from in company's practice study, its content no doubt receives this present situation the influence to have the very big limitation.Divides in the contrast modern animation the mirror and the traditional animation is divided the mirror when content diversity and the same spot, mainly is by the modern Japan popular TV animation style primarily with a traditional animation minute mirror carries on the contrast.Analyzes reason and its characteristic which the Japanese popular TV animation the style forms.
Keyword:Minute mirror table, Animation style
动画已有百年的历史,随着时代的发展,人们的视觉享受以越来越高。动画也是一种产品,只有跟上现代人的审美,才能进一步发展。现代的动画光二维动画在风格上更多样化:宫崎骏的影片以风为特点,每部影片都脱离不了人物在风中飘舞的规律;大沼 心则以光影为特色,每部片子都用光来烘托人物心理特性;木崎文智导演则以冲突的暗暖色强烈色彩对比为特点,描绘武术的美,武术世界的残酷。比较常见的是以漫画为脚本改变的动画,称他们为漫画式动画也不足为过,如《火影》、《死神》、《死亡笔记》、《棋魂》等。《咪咕和咕咕》则是以优美的雅色对比为特点,整部影片在色彩上就赋予观众很美的视觉享受。二维动画在风格的多样化同时,在故事题材上更是不受任何限制。如超人动画题材、机战类、玄幻类的、爱情类的等。