定格动画(stop-motion Animation)是通过逐格地拍摄对象然后使之连续放映,从而产生仿佛活了一般的人物或你能想象到的任何奇异角色。在定格动画中,因其制作方式的特殊性,在时间及其形成动作的把握上就要求的更为严格。不同的动作时间间隔会带来不同的节奏表现,而不同的节奏表现就决定了这部定格动画的情节基调,影响着整部片子的氛围营造和对剧本的最终表达效果。
关键字:动态表现形式 节奏 逐格拍摄 场景设定
Abstract:The animation of the formation is to separate a series of actions associated with the frame up and play in series so that the naked eye in the case of residue to produce visual images in the activities of misunderstanding that the dynamic performance of a particular form. One producer of the works in time and rhythm accurately grasp the screen, determine the success of the work of the Department.
Stop-action animation is through the lattice by filmed for the object and screening, resulting in the general as characters or live can you imagine any singular role. In the fixed cell animation, its production methods are unique, in time and take action on the formation of more stringent requirements. Different time intervals action will bring the performance of different rhythms, and different rhythm to determine the circumstances of this motion animation set the tone affects the whole atmosphere of the film and the script to create the ultimate effect of expression.
This paper will stop motion animation of scene design topic, combined with himself for the making of the study at ordinary times pratise, say about in a stop motion animation production process, the formulation of the scene is what objective and subjective factors, and how to behave can better performance film quality.
keyword:Dynamic form rhythm Filmed by glen scenario