摘要:脚本是整个动漫作品的中心框架,相当于是动漫作品的血液,它确保作品生命力的成活和延续,直接关系到作品的成败。但环顾中国近些年动漫事业的发展,常常是呼声很高,力作却奇缺,动漫脚本几乎到了无人愿意触及的地步。近几年,轻小说这种以少男少女为主要读者群取向,通常使用动漫画风格作为插画的一种娱乐性文学作品文学体裁在国内悄然兴起,并飞速发展着。在起源地日本,这类小说往往被改编为动漫画作品,因而又称为动漫小说 。本课题旨在探讨在中国轻小说改编为动漫脚本能否被群众接受,是否有广阔的市场前景,能否为动漫脚本的“沙漠化”提供一个可行的突破口。
关键字:动漫脚本 轻小说 市场前景
Abstract:Scripts are the core frame for animation&comic products, what is like the blood for mankind. It remains the life-force of products and keeps it alive. On the other hand, if we ran back over the development of animation&comic undertakings in china, it was always much cry and little wool, too many yelling and too less good products. Nobody even wants to handle the scripts for a very animation&comic product. In these years, light novels, which was illustrated by some comic style pictures, and attracted millions of young, were becoming more and more popular in china and growing very fast. Light novels come of Japan, and always are transcribed to animation&comic products. Because of that, light novels also called 'animation&comic novels'. This task was willing to discuss wither Chinese light novels could accepted by people or not. Does this form of products have good market and offer a break spot for 'cartoon scripts' desert' of china animation&comic undertakings.
keywords: scripts, light novel, future of undertakings