关键词:角色造型 文化特色 现实素材 夸张 唯美
Abstract:If we want to make a successful animated film and get the recognition and praise from people followed with bigger, we should take the animated characters and the plot into account. It can even determine the success of an animated film. But the story reflected throughout the entire animation from start to finish, we need to watch the complete film so that can be seen a good or bad story. The role of the animation style is particularly important. A role model features a glittering opening film in the animation will be able to quickly attracted the attention of the audience. Japan and South Korea's role in the animation style has its own characteristics. Exaggerated the role of European and American figures features bold styling is refined in place. Japan and South Korea's role models are very beautiful, and their characteristic clothing is very attractived by the young people today. Chinese animation has not found its own distinctive characteristics of the role of modeling untill now. A large numbers of the animation in China now is copyed from other countries. The Chinese animation should take experience to learn from foreign technology and form its own unique style to the role of modeling.
keywords:role model Cultural characteristics Realistic material Exaggeration Aesthetic