Abstract:With the rapid development of science and technology in the 21st century, the ecological environment has been destroyed, in order to mitigate this trend, "low-carbon life " entry into our field of vision. In this paper, the choice of materials for interior design and use of the research process to explore the indoor environment of sustainable development and ecological design, beautiful and comfortable in seeking access to the premise of "low-carbon life " of the road. Home improvement interior designers as a low-carbon innovation, high-tech applications, a pioneer in sustainable. Key words: interior design, "low-carbon home improvement","low-carbon life "
可持续发展一直是世界关注的热题,节能环保已深得人心,“低碳生活”对于普通人来说是一种生活态度,同时也成为人们推进潮流的新方式。人们可以通过多种渠道来达到节能环保的效果,作为与人们生活息息相关的家装行业,其装修的碳排放量在全社会碳排放总量中占据了越来越大的比重,它是以减少温室气体排放为目标,以低能耗、低污染为基础,注重装修过程中的绿色环保设计、可利用资源的再次回收、装饰产品的环保节能,从而减少家居生活的二氧化碳排放量。设计仍然是最关键和最重要的,引导客户低碳装修设计理念,从设计源头把关,做到低碳设计、简约时尚、绿色环保。在经济科技飞速的时代,传统的室内设计不再适合当今社会的发展,为适应时代的发展要求,室内设计要与时俱进,提倡生态的室内设计,才能创造绿色舒适的生活环境,走进 “低碳生活”,推进新的潮流生活方式。