摘要:“风水”的概念源于人类对于自然界所有无形、未知的事物起敬畏之心,并且相信凡事都应该未雨绸缪。但其实际上是地理学、地质学、星象学、气象学、景观学、 建筑学、生态学以及人体生命信息学等多种学科综合一体的一门自然科学,其内在地蕴涵了哲学思想、价值取向、审美心理。本文通过对室内设计和风水理念的交集,对风水学在现代居住环境中的应用进行了分析,解析其中的科学成分与美学思想,发掘总结其广泛而现实的价值意义,围绕室内居住空间的构成要素,逐项阐述了风水学在居住空间环境构建中所扮演的角色。在室内设计中,研究风水学与其关系,将风水学理论正确运用到现代室内设计中,探求如何尊重自然,顺应自然,最大程度的与自然相协调,使室内设计达到天人合一的效果。
关键词:风水文化理念 现代室内设计 应用 影响
Abstract:"Feng Shui" concept comes from human nature for all the invisible, the unknown from the awe and believe that everything should be a rainy day. But the fact is geography, geology, astrology, meteorology, landscape, architecture, ecology and Information Science of human life and other disciplinary body of a natural science, and its inherently implies the philosophy, values, aesthetic psychology. Based on the concept of interior design and feng shui the intersection of Feng Shui in the modern living environment to analyze the application, analysis of which elements and aesthetics of science, exploring its extensive summary of the value and realistic significance, focusing on the composition of the indoor living space elements of Feng Shui described one by one in a residential building in the space environment play a role. In the interior design, Feng Shui and its relationship study, the correct use of Feng Shui theory into the modern interior design, and explore how to respect nature, in harmony with nature, the greatest degree of harmony with nature, so that the effect of interior design to Heaven.
Key word: Feng Shui cultural ideas of the modern interior design application