关键词: 园林景观 现代园林景观建筑 形式的变化
Abstract: With the constant changes in social development, people's thoughts and psychological needs are constantly changing, the garden also, like all other cultures in constant change. Because different clients, the broader the scope of the modern landscape, enriched content, particularly in contradiction with the people and the environment have become increasingly prominent, modern garden view from the back to the past emphasis on pure landscape ecological protection, recreation and entertainment comprehensive functions up.
Key words: Landscape Modern Landscape Architecture Form changes
通过分析传统园林建筑与现代园林建筑的变化,认识到了现代园林与园林建筑发展趋势。现代园林建筑一方面要借鉴与传承传统园林建筑中拥有的环境意识,注重意境美、形式美;一方面也要将使用功能作为设计的主要出发点,注重园林建筑与人类生活的相互联系,正确对待传统与创新, 要继承传统更要创新并且将两者结合,要发挥现代的新建筑材料、新建筑结构技术和艺术的特点,把现代园林建筑空间形态、文化视角与环境的有机结合。设计师可以用传统与现代的材料相结合,来建造源于中国的现代景观建筑。