摘要:近几年中国电影市场蓬勃发展,电影票房异常火爆。但是,在繁荣与喧嚣背后,却存在着不可回避的问题,那就是人文关怀的缺失。作为第六代导演的领军人物,贾樟柯在他的电影创作中,呈现出与同代电影人相同的特点,但是他又以自己独特的成长环境、人生阅历以及对电影的理解, 给了观众们全新的艺术感受,让我们体会到一种真实的美感和深度。本文立足于电影艺术中人文主义精神带来的浓浓人情味,希望可以提高大众对于电影灵魂“人文关怀”的认知与理解。主要以对贾樟柯的电影镜像分析,通过探讨生活于社会底层人物的内心世界,来了解这个飞速发展的世界,了解我们失去了什么,又得到了什么。
关键词:贾樟柯; 电影; 人文关怀
Abstract:In recent years, China's film market is vigorous development the film at the box office is extremely strong. However, the back of prosperity and the hustle and bustle,but there is an unavoidable problem, that is, the lack of humanistic care. As the leader of the sixth generation director Jia Zhangke in his film-making, showing the same characteristics with the same generation of filmmakers, but he once again a unique environment for the growth, life experiences, as well as the understanding of the film to the audience new artistic experience, let us appreciate the real beauty and depth. This article is based on a deep sense of human touch, the film arts in the spirit of humanism brought hope to increase public awareness and understanding of the "humane care" for the soul of a film. The article is mainly the analysis by exploring the inner world of social realism, to understand this rapidly developing world, to understand what we lost, but also what has been a film image of Jia Zhangke.
Key Word:Jia Zhangke; film; humanistic care.
文艺电影常常关注一些深层思考如生命、人性、哲学等,以形而上的方式关照电影本质与生命主题[3]。多年来,国产电影如谢晋、张艺谋、冯小刚都是通过一个又一个充满人文关怀的故事打动几辈观众,他们的电影传达的不仅是美学观念、审美情感,还有社会的心理剖析、人生感悟、价值思索等人文主义的丰富内涵。谢晋导演认为:“作为一名真正的艺术工作者,不但要有艺术感觉的创新精神,更应该具有社会的责任感、经得起历史检验的作品。”因此,他的影片充满人性、人情、人道主义精神。”他坦言:“我拍影片更多地追求美育作用、警示作用,希望对祖国、对人类贡献美![4] ”谢晋的电影语言不仅带给观众视觉上的美感和艺术享受, 还给人一种昂扬向上的、温暖人心的情感抚慰。贾樟柯导演亦是如此,他擅于运用朴实的电影造型语言,极其平和的叙事流程中充溢着浓郁的人文情怀已经奠定了他在世界电影的地位。