关键词:危机事件 新闻报道方式 “甘肃幼儿园校车车祸事件” 深度报道 连续报道
Abstract: Since the 21 st century, our country have happened a lot of influencing the public crisis, the government an unprecedented crisis emergencies to reflect and attention. This article through the literature research, case analysis and other methods, to kindergarten school bus crash in gansu province as an example, the paper analyzed the public a crisis in the news media with reports of how the means to report can better for people to understand the process of events, the reason and influence on the society. Through in-depth analysis of the school bus crash in gansu kindergarten news report way, understand the depth reports, such as continuous reports news report in a public way crisis of the optimal, defect, the news media in such events and lack of good experience and how, in the continuous development of economic and social life,
Key words: Crisis news report way "gansu kindergarten school bus crash events" depth report continuous reports