【Abstract】:In recent years, the movie swept across the Internet, outside of the evaluation of it are mixed. Is it a sucessful business marketing or a failure in disguised form of advertising? This paper chooses the movie of the commercial to be a starting point, through the interpretation of the concept of micro movie ontology sense, from different angles the micro analysis from several different aspects of film expressed by commercial, analyzes the contact of micro movie and advertisements, so as to further demonstrated its commercial, and gives the prospect of the development of the objective evaluation。
【Keywords】:The movie; commercial marketing,;advertising,;commercial.
笔者查阅过很多资料发现,由于微电影是个刚刚兴起的事物,因此国内外对微电影的研究 都还比较少,而且大多都是停留在研究它的概念、叙事艺术等方面。记者王佳认为,微电影是电影和广告的混血儿;杨浩鹏教授质疑,微电影到底是概念炒作还是植入广告的新契机?因此,笔者准备换个角度,从对微电影的商业性的反思这一角度进行探讨。本文采用比较法、论证法、举例子等研究方法,通过对微电影各个方面的剖析,进而挖掘出它隐藏在电影形式下的商业性,最终达到对微电影商业性的反思的目的。