关键词:动漫、 周边产品、 卡通造型
Abstract: In recent years, with the development of the cartoon, anime peripheral products in the cartoon industry plays more and more important position, anime became not only an art, but also formed a industry, it has become the social applicability high, high technical content, high socialization of inheritance. Anime peripheral products in people's lives everywhere, modelling, style, age levels have very big difference.
Cartoon is the core factors of peripheral products cartoon image modelling, cartoon characters into a variety of style, can be divided into classified speaking, plant-based, animal figurines, human, of course also have an alien or a monster the modelling of image, which is common rabbit one of several modelling. This paper in cartoon rabbit animation peripheral products the modelling of graduation design works with the creation of the< rabbit tribal>preliminary research from anime peripheral products, in the form of cartoon rabbit modelling, color, texture, decorative four aspects of animated analysis, research in anime peripheral product design modelling of application, and explains the characteristics of rabbit cartoon modelling design, emphasize anime peripheral products rabbit modelling design integrity.
Keywords: Anime, Peripheral products, Cartoon characters