关键词: 聚吡咯,对甲苯磺酸,掺杂,腐蚀
Abstract:In this research, corrosion resistance of the conductive polymer coating as the surface anti-corrosion coating of the copper bipolar plate of the exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) was studied, comparing the pyrrole solution with p-toluenesulfonic acid (ToSH) pyrrole as the dopant with the pyrrole solution without p-toluenesulfonic acid (ToSH) pyrrole. The poly pyrrole coating of the surface of the copper electrode was got by using the cyclic voltammetry polymerization . The amount of dopant was discussed. It was resulted that 0.2Mpy +0.2 MH2C2O4 power deposition solution with 0.1MtoSH was the best . the conductive polymer coating characteristics were characterized by Infrared spectroscopy (IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and other surface analysis methods . It showed that the coating doping PPy was consisted of closely arranged small particles in bright and smooth appearance. The coating undoping PPy was dense locally but not flat. A little of gaps and cracks were appeared . By using the electrochemical measurements techniques , such as potentiodynamic polarization, open circuit potential - time curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) , the corrosion resistance of the coating was evaluated. It showed that Ppy coating ,Prepared by two methods has a good protective performance to the copper substrate. The corrosion potential of the copper substrate with Undoped Ppy coating shifted 61mV positively, and the corrosion current density decreased from 10-4A/cm2 to 10-5A/cm2. The corrosion potential of the substrate with the Ppy membrane, synthesized by cyclic voltammetry, shifted 76mV positively, the corrosion current density decreased from 10-4A/cm2 to 10-5A/cm2. This is due to that the undoped coating has the micro-defects , while the doped coating is relatively dense, the protection time of coating on the substrate is longer, and corrosion resistance is better.
Key words : Ppy, ToSH, Doping, Corrosion