ABSTRACT:The design is an undergraduates’ graduation project, in which a high-pressure digestion plant is designed to extract alumina from the spent Al2O3-based catalyst with the throughput capacity of 100,000 tons per year. Not only does it contain a massive content of alumina, but also contains some valuable components of nickel and vanadium as well, according to the characteristics of the design’s processing raw material. First of all the extraction of vanadium and nickel from spent catalyst, and then the Bayer Process leach residue obtained in the previous step to extract alumina, and then use the overall process of the electric arc furnace smelting Bayer process red mud. The process of digestion is chosen as follows: 6-setp casing pipe preheating (makes ore slurry preheated from 90℃ to 160℃), 4-setp autoclave preheating(makes ore slurry preheated from 160℃ to 200℃), 3-setp autoclave heating directly (makes ore slurry heated from 200℃ to 260℃), 2-setp autoclave staying digestion, 12-setp flashing, after comparing with two kinds of leaching technics. Some essential technical-and-economic indexes are also elaborated. Secondly,a metallurgical calculation of the alumina production process (including burden balance calculation and energy balance calculation) are also made. Again, the layout of the high-pressure leaching aluminia workshop is designed and the map of the main equipment (autoclave with some heating pipes) of the high-pressure plant, the plane and elevation of the plant, and the scheme of connection of the equipments in the alumina plant-wide are drawn up.
Keywords: spent Al2O3-based catalyst; bayer precess; high-pressure digestion; leaching vanadium