关键词: 锡渣;烟化炉;锡渣处理;车间设计;年处理量
ABSTRACT:Tin smelting using either by fire or wet process, tin sulfide concentrate before roasting. Therefore, the roasting of sulfide ore is extracted from tin concentrate tin metal first metallurgical process. tin sulfide concentrate by roasting process is at a high temperature by means of oxygen in the air for oxidation desulfurization process, in order to change its composition in order to adapt to the requirements of the next step of metallurgical process. Roasting the aim and requirements to decide the next step production process. In the face of tin ore resource is becoming more and more problems, only by improving the roasting of tin concentrate quality can improve the yield, reduce the consumption of resources.
In this paper, through the fuming furnace tin slag process and process selection ,according to annual production (150000 tons), calculate the required material, according to the amount of materials properties determine the choice of equipment, used in baking furnace size and type, finally design a reasonable, economic process, the layout and energy supply.
Keywords:Tin dross; Fuming furnace; Tin slag treatment; Plant design; The annual handing capacity