本设计的内容为:年产350万吨烧结矿的烧结厂的设计。其技术指标为年产烧结矿350万吨,R=1.80,TFe=63%,成品矿粒度5~50 mm。全文分为:绪论;原燃料及主要技术经济指标确定;工艺流程选择;配料计算;物料平衡计算;主要设备选型计算;车间配置。
ABSTRACT:Sinter blast furnace is one of the main raw material production, performance and quality of sinter blast furnace directly affect the smooth lines, operating system and the technical and economic indicators. So it is very important to design a sensible singtering craft.
This design prossess includes: design a sinter plant that annual output of sinter approximates to 3,500,000 tons. The technical indicators is following: the yearly quantity of sinter approximates to 350 ten thousand tons, R=1.80, TFe=57.0%, finished mine size is from 5 mm to 50 mm. The thesis is composed of seven sections: introduction; the choice of iron ores, fluxes, flues and econimic indicators; Process selection ; calculation of charge; material balance calculation; equipment selection ; shop floor reconfiguration.
The equipment autocontrol and environmental protection are fully considered in the design. The current advanced craft equipment was used. On the base of calculation, the drawings were drawn and the design specification was complied.
Keywords: Sintering plant design; Sinter; Sintering machine