ABSTRACT:This design is designed for an annual output of 2.5 million tons of pig iron blast furnace steelmaking plant process design. Designed with a 3100m3 blast furnace design 4 taphole two rectangles casthouse. String using the PW tank roof bell-less top rotating chute fabric; feeding system using tape feeding; ventilation system uses three internal combustion hot stove; enriched blast and pulverized coal injection system uses a combination of pulverized coal technology; gas treatment system using dry dust bag; iron slag handling system using water quenching method Lhasa (RASA) processing.
Design of the main contents include ironmaking process calculations (including ingredients calculations, material balance and thermal balance), blast furnace design, blast furnace lining various parts of the selection, furnace cooling equipment selection, vents and casthouse design, top equipment , air systems, blast furnace systems, gas handling systems, handling systems and iron slag and iron plant layout, etc.. In addition, to be more scientific, the design reference blast furnace production of domestic and foreign similar experience and data.
Key words: Steelmaking pig iron;blast furnace;workshop design