ABSTRACT:This design is designed annual output of 80000 tons of industrial silicon furnace workshop, mainly from the present situation of the industrial silicon smelting, such as market demand, resources supply, construction scale, etc. This design choose stationary semi-closed short smoke cover ore heat furnace, considering combination of single furnace production, energy balance, the realization of the mechanization, waste heat utilization, thermal stability and a series of conditions.
Ingredients are calculated first, and then combined with the actual situation choose the best solution and calculate the electric furnace type size, type furnace and furnace size is determined, the final design of workshop layout.
This description includes five parts, the first part introduced the industrial silicon smelting of properties, USES, raw material and so on; The second part introduces the industrial silicon smelting process; The third part of every stage of the process for industrial silicon smelting, including material and heat balance and electric furnace parameters; The fourth part for site selection principles and conditions; Part v configuration design for workshop, mainly for the plant configuration principles and content.
Key words:Electric furnace workshop; 80000 tons of Silicon;design