摘 要:工业锅炉是国民经济和人民生活中不可缺少的重要热能动力设备。我国工业锅炉量大面广,过去主要以煤炭为燃料,存在着较多问题,如实际运行热效率普遍较低,自动化水平不高,对环境的污染严重,已引起我国政府的高度重视。
燃气是一种优质、高效、清洁的气体燃料, 采用燃气取代煤作为锅炉的燃料可以大大地减轻对环境的污染。这是因为燃气的灰分、含硫量和含氮量均比煤低, 燃烧后产生的烟气中粉尘量极少, 硫和氮的氧化物也比较少, 容易达到国家对燃烧设备烟气排放越来越高的标准。同时没有燃煤时所需要处理的大量灰渣, 以及煤在运输、储存过程中散发的有害气体和粉尘。而且, 燃气的管道输送减少了城市运煤和灰渣的车辆所带来的大气污染、噪声、交通拥挤等一系列问题。因此, 燃气锅炉以其优质高效、环保效益突出的特点在全国各地得到了越来越广泛的应用。
Abstract:Industrial boilers is an important and indispensable in the national economy and people's lives thermal power equipment. China's industrial boilers wide range of large coal as fuel, there are more problems, such as the actual operation of the thermal efficiency is generally low, not high level of automation, serious pollution of the environment has caused the Chinese government attaches great importance.
The gas is a high quality, efficient, clean fuel gas, the gas instead of coal as a boiler fuel can greatly reduce the pollution of the environment. This is because of the low ash content, sulfur content and nitrogen volume of the gas than coal, the amount of dust in the flue gas generated in the combustion minimal sulfur and nitrogen oxides are also relatively small, easy to reach the national flue gas emissions from the combustion equipment increasingly high standard. At the same time need to be addressed there is no coal-fired ash and coal in the process of transport, storage, dissemination of harmful gases and dust. Moreover, the gas pipeline to reduce air pollution, noise, traffic congestion and a range of issues brought by the city of coal and ash vehicles. Therefore, the gas-fired boilers for its quality and efficiency, environmental benefits, features around the country have been more widely used.
The design is according to the early parameters of types of fuel and feed water temperature, exhaust gas temperature of a 4.2MW gas horizontal hot water boilers, including combustion calculations, thermodynamic calculations, the calculation of resistance and strength check of.
Key words:Gas; Industrial boilers; Design calculations