摘 要:由于太阳能的间歇性,太阳能热泵在夜间及连续阴雨天无法正常工作,将太阳能热泵系统与蓄热技术结合起来,能够很好的改善系统不能连续运行的缺点。本设计提出了一种新型的集热/蓄能/蒸发一体化太阳能热泵热水器。该系统将太阳能集热器、蓄能容器以及热泵系统的蒸发器集于一体,减少了现有蓄能型太阳能热泵系统多级中间换热的热损失及制造成本。在集热/蓄能/蒸发器中加入相变材料,以固-液相变潜热对太阳能进行储存,利用太阳能作为热泵的低温热源制得热水,将显著提高热泵的制热效率,同时有效解决太阳能的间歇性所带来的系统运行不稳定问题。
Abstract:Due to the intermittence of Solar energy, traditional solar energy aided heat pump systems can not work well in the rainy days or at night. This issue could be solved or improved if energy storage is used for the heat pump systems, which would lead to energy saving and higher efficiency of the systems. A novel solar heat pump water heater integrated with collector, storage and evaporation is presented in this design, and this novel system can reduce heat exchanging losses and manufacturing cost. By adding phase-change materials into the collector/storage/evaporator, the solar energy is storied as latent heat of solid-liquid phase materials. By making use of the solar energy as low-temperature source to produce hot water, the thermal efficiency of heat pump system can be significantly increased; moreover, the operating unstableness of the heat pump system caused by interval solar energy can be drastically solved.
According to theory, this system is better than all the other water heaters in the markets both in energy-saving and operation-cost-saving. It needs less cost and has more simplicity and more operation reliability than the current energy storage solar heat pump water heater, having a widespread application prospect.
Experimental results showed that the COP of the system is higher than the normal air source solar heat pump water heater. The unstable of the intension of sunshine radiation has much less impact on the solar heat pump water heater integrated with collector, storage and evaporation than on the normal air source heat pump water heater through the analysis of the intension of sunshine radiation and the solar collector efficiency of the collector.
Keywords: collector/storage/evaporation integration,Phase Change Materials,COP