摘 要:氧气转炉炼钢自20世纪40年代初问世以来,在世界各国得到了广泛的应用,技术不断地进步,设备不断地改进,工艺不断地完善。在短短的五十几年里,从顶吹发展到底吹、侧吹发展到复合吹炼。氧气转炉炼钢的飞速发展,使炼钢生产进入了一个崭新的阶段,钢的产量不断增加,成本不断的下降。从日前来看,转炉炼钢可以说是最佳的炼钢方法。
ABSTRACT:Oxygen converter steelmaking since in the early 1940s, all countries in the world since the advent has been widely application, technical continued to make progress, equipment, process continuously improve constantly perfect. In a short period of some 50 years, from top-blown development to end to blow, side-blown compound converting. The rapid development of the basic oxygen steel, steel production enters a new phase, steel production, increasing the costs continue to drop. Judging from recently, converter steelmaking can say is the best steelmaking method.
This design host produces carbon structural steel Q235, can solve each market demand promptly. The design scope mainly includes the converter type of furnace and the furnace lining design, the converter oxygen gun system design, the converter repairs the stove system design and transfers the furnace top blowing design and so on. The design content mainly includes the technical process choice, the productivity computation, the equipment shaping, as well as workshop composition arrangement and so on. Has analyzed in the oxygen top-blown converter smelting process the mass balance and the heat balance, optimized the slag formation system, reduced the material consumption, enhanced has splashed the dregs to protect stove's effect.
Keywords: Converter steelmaking;Oxygen bof;design