摘 要:煤炭在燃烧过程中会产生大量的NOx和SO2,而生物质燃料作为一种可再生能源,具有低硫、低氮、零CO2净排放的特点。采用生物质热解技术获得的生物质焦,可广泛应用于烟气脱硫脱氮领域,实现降低污染物排放的目的。生物质焦的结构特性对于其脱硫脱氮性能具有重要一下,因此,开展生物质焦及其活化特性的研究具有重要意义。本文对五种生物质原料及其热解焦和生物质活化焦进行了实验研究,得到以下结果:
Abstract:A large amount of NOx and SO2 emissions will generate during coal combustion, and cause serious environment pollution. Biomass is concerned as a renewable energy, with the characteristics of low sulfur, low nitrogen, no emission of CO2. Biomass char prepared by pyrolysis technology can be used as sorbents of desulfurization and denitrification, and achieve NOx and SO2. Emissions control. The basic characteristics of biomass chars have a significant on their performance of desulfurization and denitrification. In this paper, characteristics of five kinds of biomass (including straw, cotton stalk, corn stalks, rice straw, rice husk) and its activated biomass chars are experimentally studied, the results are listed as follows:
With the pyrolysis and activation process preceding, the moisture content decreased, the content of ash increased, and the volatile content keep decreasing to a certain extent tends to remain unchanged. Proximate analyses of different biomass have shown the same law. Different biomass have different biomass char yield, the biomass char yield decreased significantly with the deeping of pyrolysis and activation process.
After pyrolysis process, C element content increased, but the C element content decreases as the pyrolysis temperature increases, O element content decreases and O elements decreases as the pyrolysis temperature decreases, H elements content decreases, and the pyrolysis temperature has little influence on it. O element content of activated biomass char decreases and it decreases as the pyrolysis temperature decreases, C elements and H elements are in little change.
The specific surface area and the parameters of the pore structure of the biomass chars increased greatly during pyrolysis. After the steam activation, the parameters increased more significantly. With the activation of the steam, the internal hole structure of the biomass char will be optimized, massive oil tar will be removed, so more closed holes will open. At the same time, the microporous number will increase significantly, the specific surface area will increase too. It will provide better structure parameters for the adsorption process.
At the same time, a facility of desulphurization, denitrification and mercury removal with biomass chars, which includes simulated gas preparation system, furnace, adsorbent, and measurement system, were designed and established.
Key Words: Biomass; Biomass char; steam activation; basic characteristics; desulfurization, denitrification and the removal of mercury