摘 要:石灰石/石膏湿法烟气脱硫技术是火电厂二氧化硫减排最有效、最成熟的方法,其主要优点是:适用的煤种范围广、脱硫效率高、吸收剂利用率高(可大于90%)、设备运转率高(可达90%以上)、工作的可靠性高、脱硫剂石灰石来源丰富且廉价。
Abstract:Limestone-gypsum FGD technology is the most effective and ripest method of sulfur dioxide emission reduction in thermal power generating plant. The main advantages of the technology are as follows. First, it can applies to a wide range of coal. Second, the efficiency of desulfurization is high. Third, it can be also take full advantage of absorbent( >90%). Fourthly, the equipment operating rate is effective. Finally, the origin of limestone is rich and low price.
The common process of the technology is that, the gas from boiler will be guide into gas desulfurization system by blower fan, before the tower, the gas through the GGH for heat exchange. During the tower, the gas flow from bottom to top, and mix with the limestone grout which from spray system. The net flu gas will remove droplets through defrost and then enter into the GGH, after heat exchanging discharge the gas from stack. The sulfur dioxide is absorbed through a series of chemical reactions will finally generate the gypsum.
In my thesis, by means of designing the FGD disposal process for 300MW thermal power generating units, I have realized and mastered the wet desulfurization process design technology gradually, and obtained enough experience of engineering design.
Based on planning the limestone-gypsum FGD technology for 300MW thermal power generating units, I have calculated the mass balance of the flue gas and desulphurizer as per the required desulfurization rate, calculate the relationship between consumed materials and produced mass, setup the main performance parameters of system devices, completed selection of the system equipment, calculated the relevant assistant system equipped for desulfurization, finished related mass balance design, and fulfilled overall FGD system process design. What’s more, I have further discussed about the key sections in desulfurization design process, such as the relation between absorber slurry recirculation flow and sulfur contents in gas, to establish the foundation of ultimately mastering limestone-gypsum FGD disposal optimized technology and nationalize FGD major equipment.
Keyword: Desulperization, Absorber, Limestone, Gypsum, Desulperized rate