摘 要:汽车制动系统是汽车最重要的主动安全系统,如果制动系统工作不正常,将对 你的安全造成灾难性的影响。因此良好制动系统对安全行驶极为重要。
在一辆汽车上有二个完全独立的制动系统 .一个是行车制动器,另一个是驻车 制动器。行车制动器主要是用于停车或在正常驾驶减慢你的车速。这是脚通过踩下 和放开制动踏板来完成操作的。驻车制动器的目的是时汽车无人看管时保持平稳固 定,防止汽车在不平整的地上移动。它也被称为手刹车。
基本上,所有汽车制动是摩擦制动。当驾驶员踩下制动器时,控制装置对车轮 上的制动蹄片或垫对旋转车轮制动鼓或碟施加力。制动蹄片、摩擦衬块和制动鼓、 制动盘之间产生摩擦力然手使得车轮变慢,因此车能被制动。
本文首先介绍制动系统的发展历史,分析国内外制动系统的现状。然后对制动 系统的总体结构进行介绍、分析。包括盘式制动器及其零部件:制动盘、制动钳、 制动块、磨擦材料,还有的制动主缸、助力器、液压管和液压阀。对现代汽车的常 见电子制动系统 ABS、ASR、EBD、ESP 等逐一介绍。在第四章中,又对制动系统 的盘式制动器的参数选择进行分析,并用遗传法建立数学模型并用 MATLAB 进行 求解。最后再介绍了几种新型并少为人知的制动系统改良,并提出自己的改良设想。
Abstract:The brake system is the most important system on your car. If your brakes don’t work properly, the result can be disastrous. Therefore the good braking system is extremely important to the security of service.
There are two completely independent braking systems on a car .One is the service brake, and the other is parking brake. The service brake system is the main braking system used to stop or slow down your car during normal driving. It is foot-operated by the driver depressing and releasing the brake pedal. The parking brake’s purposes are to hold a car stationary while it is unattended, and to keep the car from rolling on unleveled ground. It is also called the hand brake.
Basically, all car brakes are friction brakes. When the driver applies the brake, the control device forces brake shoes, or pads, against the rotating brake drums or disks at wheels. friction between the shoes or pads and the drums or disks then slows or stops the wheels so that the car is braked.
This paper introduces the development history of the braking system and the status at home and abroad. Then analysis and make a introduction of structure of the braking system, Including disk brake and components: disk rotor, caliper, brake pads, friction materials, as well as hydraulic brake master cylinder gear, booster, hydraulic tubes and hydraulic valves. Make a introduction to modern vehicles electronic braking system ABS, ASR, EBD, ESP, etc. one by one. In the fourth chapter, also carries on the analysis to the braking system disc brake parameter choice and carries on the solution with the heredity law establishment mathematical model with MATLAB. Finally introduced again several kinds new and the few manners know of the braking system improvement, and proposes own improvement tentative plan.
Keywords: braking system ,disk brake ,ABS ,Genetic Method