摘 要:本课题以 PC 插头注射成型工艺为分析对象,应用热流道系统进行模具设计。 热流道注射塑料模缩短了制件的成型周期、节约了塑料原料、实现了自动化生产过程,
运用 Moldflow CAE 技术对产品在注射成型中可能形成的缺陷进行了分析, 准确预测 熔体的填充、保压、冷却情况,以及制品中的应力分布、分子和纤维取向分布、制品的收 缩和翘曲变形等情况,CAE 技术提供了从制品设计到生产的完整解决方案,在模具制造之 前,预测塑胶熔体在型腔中的整个成型过程,帮助判断潜在的问题,有效地防止问题发生, 提出了模具设计的改进方案。
应用 Pro/E 进行塑件的三维实体分模并设计其注射模具,实现了整套模具的 CAD/CAE 设计过程。
关键词:PC 插头,注塑模,热流道,Moldflow 分析
Abstract:With the PC plug injection molding process is analyzed, the application of hot runner system for mould design.
Hot runner injection plastic mould shortened product molding cycle and the plastic materials, realized the automation production process, is due to the mould of hot flow path molding process, plastic melt temperature in the runner system can get the accurate control of the pressure inside the passage, loss, and the molten plastic with uniform state into each cavity, thus obtains good quality product of plastic. Hot runner injection molding parts of the gate of good quality, low after stripping the residual stress, deformation.
While using Moldflow CAE technology of products in the injection molding in analyzing the defects of the melt and accurate prediction, pressure, filling, and products of cooling the stress distribution, molecular and fiber orientation distribution, the products of contraction and warp, CAE technology offers from product design to production of complete solution, in mould, plastic melt in before the whole molding process, help judge potential problems, effectively prevent problems, and puts forward the improvement scheme mould design.
Application for Pro/E plastic mould and the three-dimensional entity points, realize its injection mold design a whole mould CAD/CAE design process.
Keyword: PC plug, Injection molding, Hot runner, Moldflow analysis