摘要:本文设计了一种基于MSP430F149单片机和气压传感器MPXY8020A的直接型轮胎气 压检测系统,主要包括数据数据采集模块和显示模块两部分。在改进Motorola TPMS 解决方案的基础上,给出了TPMS的主要电路设计原理以及软件设计方法。该系统可通 过键盘设定轮胎报警压力值,通过MPXY8020A测定每个轮胎内部的实际压力,并通过 射频模块将轮胎气压数据传递给外界数据采集端,在显示模块上实时显示轮胎气压。 本课题研究的目的是完成直接型轮胎气压监测系统数据采集模块和显示模块的设计。 课题的经济意义在于,提高汽车的安全品质,增强汽车高速行驶的安全性能,并以提 高的技术档次和有竞争力的成本使国产汽车屯子产品更为普通汽车消费者所接受,使 消费者获得性价比更佳的产品服务。课题的社会意义在于,有效降低行车中因轮胎故 障引发的交通事故,减少由此而带来的重大经济损失和人员伤亡。
关键词: 轮胎,压力,监测,TPMS,MPXY8020A
Abstract:This paper introduces a design pressure sensor based on SCM and MSP430F149 MPXY8020A direct type tire pressure testing system, including data to the data acquisition module and display module two parts. In improving the Motorola TPMS solution is presented, based on the principle of the main circuit design TPMS and software design method. This system can be set via keyboard tyres, alarm MPXY8020A through determination of each tire pressure, and the actual internal by rf modules will tire pressure data transmission to the outside in the data acquisition module, show the real-time display tire pressure. The research purpose is to achieve direct tire pressure monitoring system of data acquisition module and display module design. The task is to improve economic significance, car safety quality, enhance the safety performance of high-speed car, and to enhance the technical level and competitive products to domestic car cost more common characters of consumers, make consumer get more cost-effective products and services. Topics of social significance, effectively reduce the vehicle for tyre fault caused by the traffic accident, thus reducing the great economic losses and casualties.
Keyword: Tire pressure monitoring TPMS MPXY8020A