摘要:载重汽车的后桥又叫载重汽车的驱动桥,它是汽车的四大总成之一。汽车驱动桥 的功用是把由万向传动装置或直接由变速器传来的转矩传递给左、右驱动轮,实现降 速增扭、改变转矩的传递方向,并可实现两侧车轮的差速,承受作用于路面和车架之 间的铅垂力、纵向力和横向力。
驱动桥应要保证具有合适的主减速比,使汽车具有良好的动力性和经济性;具有 较大的离地间隙以保证良好的通过性;尽可能减轻重量以提高行驶的平顺性;合理的 结构型式和设计参数,也对汽车的其他行驶性能如机动性和操动稳定性等有直接影 响。
一般汽车驱动桥由主减速器、差速器、半轴和驱动壳等组成。其工作原理是,发 动机的动力经离合器、变速器、万向传动装置输入驱动桥,首先传到主减速器,增大 转矩降低转速后,再由差速器分配给左右半轴,最后通过半轴外端的凸缘盘传至驱动 车轮的轮毂。驱动桥壳由主减速器壳和半轴套管组成,轮毂借助轴承支承在半轴套管 上。
本设计参照传了统驱动桥的设计方法进行载重汽车驱动桥的设计。本设计首先确 定主要部件的结构型式和主要设计参数;然后参考类似驱动桥的结构,确定出总体设 计方案并进行设计及计算;最后对主、从动锥齿轮,差速器圆锥行星齿轮和驱动桥壳 的强度进行校核。
Abstract:Truck's rear axle truck driver called the truck driver bridge, which is one of the cars of the four assemblies. The function of the automobile is the universal drive unit or directly by the transmission of the torque is passed to the left, right, driving wheels, spin down by torsion torque delivery, change direction, and can implement on both sides of the wheel of the differential, acting towards the pavement and frame between vertical force, longitudinal force and lateral force.
Drive axle shall have the right to ensure that the main reduction gear ratio, making the car has good power and economy; have greater ground clearance to ensure a good passing ability; as much as possible to reduce weight to improve driving smoothness; Reasonable structure and design parameters, and also other driving performance cars such as mobility and Operating stability has a direct impact.
General Automotive drive axle from the main reducer, differential, axle, and drive shell etc. Its working principle is the engine of power by the clutch, transmission, universal gear input drive axle, first reached the main reducer, increase the torque lower speed, then the differential distribution to the left and right axle, through the semi-final -axis side of the wheel flange plate spread wheel drive. Drive axle housing from the main reducer housing and bushing composition. Wheel with bearings supporting the axle casing.
Reference to the traditional paper-driven approach to the design of the bridge the truck driver bridge design. This article first to identify the main components of the structure of the main design parameters and then refer to a similar drive the bridge structure, identified design programmers; Finally on the master, driven bevel gear, differential tapered planetary gear and axle of strength check.
Keyword: Truck, Drive axle, Main reducer, differential