摘要:本文主要利用 COSMOSWorks 软件分析技术,采用 COSMOSWorks 软件建立 了子午线轮胎的静态接触状态下的模型,并在对模型进行有限元网格化和建立解除 关系以后,对其进行分析研究。
从相对运动的角度考虑,建立了一个与目标面固连的接触对,通过这个接触对 的运动来表示接触的运动工况,即把接触对作为目标面的控制器。整个目标面的受 力和移动情况可以通过轮胎的受力和变形状况表示出来,从而实现了轮胎静态接触 问题方面的有限元模型的建立,解决了以往的一些研究方法难以建立起此类模型的 困扰,为实现轮胎性能仿真的目的提供了良好的借鉴。经过对计算结果进行分析, 得到了静态接触情况下轮胎的变形和应力情况,印痕分布状况,为工程人员进行轮 胎的结构优化设计和新型轮胎的开发起到了一定的指导作用。
由于轮胎结构上的复杂性,因此有限元分析需要相当大的工作量,其工作量不 能忽视,根据轮胎结构特征及单元的特征,利用 COSMOSWorks 进行建模和导入, 以减轻建模工作量、提高效率,便于对同类问题的分析研究。
关键词:子午线轮胎,接触对,COSMOSWorks, 静态接触
Abstract: This paper analysis software COSMOSWorks software technology, using COSMOSWorks established radial tire of the static contact state model, and the model of the finite element mesh and the establishment of the relationship, remove after analysis.
From the point of view of the relative motion, and established a solid surface contact, even to the movement through the contact of the movement to contact, namely the contact surface of target controller. The goal of stress and movement through the stress and deformation condition tyres, thus realizing the tyres static contact finite element model of the problems are solved, the establishment of some methods to establish such model, to achieve the objective performance simulation tires, provide a good reference. Through the analysis of results, obtained the static contact situations tire of deformation and stress distribution, marks for the engineering personnel tire structure optimization design and development of new tyres up to certain guidance.
Due to the complexity of the tire structure, finite element analysis to considerable workload, according to the workload cannot ignore, structure features and unit of tires, using COSMOSWorks modeling, and to reduce the workload, improve efficiency, the model for the analysis and research of the similar problems.
Keywords:Radial-tyre; Contacts; COSMOSWorks; The static contact