摘要:在 21 世纪的今天,世界对能源的需求比历史上的任何时期都要多,而能源短缺 也成为困扰全世界的难题,如何在保护环境的前提下满足人们对能源的需求,成了 一个重要的研究课题。汽车,作为一个需要消耗大量能源的机器,也因此需要技术 革新,各种新能源汽车也就应运而生。发展新能源汽车、混合动力汽车、更节能的 传统汽车已成为全球汽车界的共识。而混合动力汽车成为汽车未来的发展方向之一。 世界上各个大汽车生产商也纷纷巨大的资源研发各种新型混合动力节能技术。
混合动力汽车的关键是混合动力系统,它的性能直接关系到混合动力汽车整车 性能。经过十多年的发展,混合动力系统总成已从原来发动机与电机离散结构向发 动机电机和变速箱一体化结构发展,即集成化混合动力总成系统。
本文通过对混合动力汽车的研究,阐述了混合动力汽车目前存在的问题及研究 进展,介绍了混合动力汽车的概念、分类及原理、分析了混合动力汽车最新的节能 技术,介绍了世界各大汽车厂商的先进的混合动力汽车节能技术,探讨了混合动力 汽车节能技术的发展方向及前景。
Abstract: In the 21st century,world demand for energy than any other time in history more than the energy shortage problem has become a troubled world,how under the premise of protecting the environment to meet the energy needs of the people has become an important research topics. Car,as an energy-intensive machine,thus the need for technical innovation, also came into being all kinds of new energy vehicles. Developing the new energy vehicles,hybrid vehicles,more energy-efficient conventional cars has become a global automotive industry consensus. All the world’s largest car manufacturers have a huge variety of new hybrid research and development resources, energy-saving technologies.
Hybrid cars hybrid system is the key,its performance is directly related to vehicle performance hybrid cars. After ten years of development,hybrid system motors and motor assembly from the discrete structure of the original engine motor and gearbox to the development of integrated structure that integrated hybrid powertrain system.
In this paper, the research on hybrid vehicles, hybrid vehicles described current problems and research progress. The concept of hybrid vehicles, classification and principles of analysis of the latest energy-saving hybrid vehicle technology are expounded. The world’s major automobile manufacturers of advanced energy-saving technology of hybrid cars are introduced. Hybrid vehicles and energy-saving technology development prospects is discussed.
Keyword:Hybrid Vehicle;Energy-saving technology; Technology development forecast