摘要:这些年来,随着我国改革开放的深入,工业的发展,经济不断发展,人们可支配 财产越来越多,汽车保有量迅速增加。短短几年间,汽车数量发生了翻天覆地的变化。 汽车现已成为人类重要的运输工具,改善了人们的生活质量,给予了人们的生产与生 活带来十分方便的同时,可是它的尾气排放物,也给大气环境造成严重污染。因此, 汽车尾气污染问题严重,现代城市汽车尾气是主要污染源。它不仅对环境造成影响, 而且对人们的身体健康都有巨大的危害。
本文将通过对汽车保有量的了解,及其对未来作出预测,分析了解当今汽车尾气 排放现状,找出其原因和总结经验。详述汽车尾气所排放的一氧化碳(CO),碳氢化 合物(HC),氮氧化合物(NOx)等有害排放物的生成和分布,分析其对环境和人体的 危害。提出对治理尾气问题的综合性措施和发展方向。特别分析三效催化转化器治理 排放的地位,其工作机理和发展方向,提出优化措施,总结优化方案,为治理尾气问 题出一分力。具有现实意义。
因此,在汽车工业发展和环境保护之间,应唤起世界各国对环境保护的重视。需 要寻求一个新的平衡。减少汽车尾气排放,是政府和我们每个人的责任和义务,它关 系到我们每个人的切身利益,关系到社会和经济的可持续发展。
Abstract:Over the years, with China's reform and opening up, the development of industry and economy, people can dispose of property more and more rapid increase of automobiles.Just a few years, the number of automobiles has undergone enormous changes.Automobiles has become an important means of transport of human,improving the quality of life and giving huge convenient to people's production and life at the same time. But its exhaust emissions also caused serious pollution to the atmospheric environment.Therefore, the automobile exhaust pollution problem is serious, modern city is a major source of pollution automobile exhaust.It not only impact on the environment, but also on people's health hazards are enormous.
This article on cars of the understanding, and to predict the future, analysis of current situation of today's automobile exhaust emissions, to identify its causes and lessons learned.Details of vehicle exhaust emission of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and other noxious emissions in the generation and distribution.Analysis its environmental and human hazards.Raised the issue of governance exhaust comprehensive measures and development.Special analysis of the three-way catalytic converter emission control status, its working mechanism and development of the proposed optimization measures, put forward optimization measures and sum up the program optimization,The problem for the governance contribute towards the tail.That has practical significance.
Thus, between the development in the automotive industryand and environmental protection , we should arouse the attention of environmental protection around the world.It need to find a new equilibrium. It is the Government and each of us the responsibility and obligation to reduce vehicle exhaust emissions, it relates to the vital interests of each of us is related to social and economic sustainable development.
Keyword: Exhaust emission, Noxious emissions, Comprehensive measures, Three-way catalytic converter