摘要:近年来随着汽车制造业及汽车消费市场在我国的迅速发展,整个汽车行业的流通 体制发生了巨大的变化。汽车销售由原来的厂家设立子公司直销及总代理制转变为大 量的品牌汽车 4s 专卖店。汽车 4S 店是近年来从国外引进的一种新的汽车销售模式。
4s 店的出现,恰好能满足用户的各种需求,它可以提供装备精良、整洁干净的维修 区,现代化的设备和服务管理,高度职业化的气氛,保养良好的服务设施,充足的零 配件供应,迅速及时地跟踪服务体系。
在上述背景下,笔者通过对汽车 4s 店调研和资料的收集,拟对目前的汽车 4s 店的车辆管理业务进行探讨。通过对汽车 4s 店的调研,对当前汽车 4s 店经营活动进 行分析,了解到汽车 4s 店车辆管理业务主要由车辆租赁和二手车业务组成;分析车 辆管理业务流程中存在的问题,发现汽车 4s 店在汽车租赁业务方面,没有根据自身 客户特点设定相对应的车辆租赁业务,而二手车方面则有缺乏评估专业和销售方式单 一两个问题;在理论和实证方面对汽车 4s 店车辆管理业务存在的问题进行探讨的基 础上,归纳提出汽车 4s 店改善车辆管理流程的可行策略及建议;最后针对所发现的 问题,设计出新的车辆管理业务流程并对其可行性进行分析。希望能为汽车 4s 店企 业的发展提供一些借鉴和参考。
本文是笔者通过在顺德奥迪 4s 店实习的基础上,综合国内外相关文献设计一套 专门针对当前 4s 店状况的车辆管理业务流程。当然也不可避免地存在许多不完善的 地方,笔者尚在不断地研究和找寻解决方案。
关键词:4s 店,车辆管理,汽车租赁,二手车
Abstract:In recent years, with the automotive industry and automotive consumer market in China's rapid development of the circulation system of the automobile industry has undergone tremendous changes. Car sales direct from the factory set up subsidiaries and agent system into a large number of brands 4s store. 4S shop car from abroad in recent years, a new auto sales model. 4s shop there, just to meet the needs of users, it offers well-equipped, clean and clean maintenance area, modern equipment and service management, highly professional atmosphere, good service and maintenance facilities, adequate supply of spare parts rapid and timely tracking service system.
In the above context, the author of automobile research and information 4s shop the collection, to be on the current car 4s store management operations of the vehicle. 4s shop by vehicle research, the current car 4s shop operations analysis, traffic management know car 4s shop business mainly by vehicle leasing and used car business component; of vehicle management business process problems, find auto shops 4s aspects of the car rental business, do not establish the relative characteristics according to its own customers should be the vehicle rental business, which is used Car regard the lack of evaluation expertise and sales in one way; in theory and empirical aspects of the automobile business there 4s Shop vehicle theory questions are discussed based on the sum proposed to improve vehicle car
4s shop management processes and recommend feasible strategies; Finally, the problems identified, design a new vehicle management business processes and to analyze its feasibility. Want to shop for the car companies for the development of 4s some reference.
This paper is through practice in Shunde Audi 4s shop based on the literature home and abroad to design a specialized store for the current state of 4s vehicle management business processes. Inevitably, of course, there are many imperfections, I still continue to study and find solutions.
Keyword:4s shops, vehicles, car rental, used car