摘要:随着中国经济的快速发展和居民生活水平的提高,各城市的机动车保有量(特别 是小汽车保有量)迅速增加,随之而来的是机动车尾气排放物(主要有CO、CO2、NOx、 HC、PM10和SO2 ) 的排放量日益增大,所占空气污染的比例越来越高,对空气的污染 和环境的破坏日益严重,已严重影响了居民的日常生活。为了制定控制机动车尾气排 放的有效措施,有必要对广域(国家、省、市) 范围内的机动车尾气排放进行定性、定 量分析。
近年来,机动车尾气污染对人类健康的影响受到越来越多的重视和关注,国内外 有关资料表明,尾气污染物对人体呼吸系统、免疫系统等都会有不同程度的损害。
进行定性、定量分析随着广州经济的快速发展以及城市化进程的加快,汽车拥有 量已进入一个高发展时期,拥有量增长较大,以 2005 年统计来看,广州市区汽车保 有量迈入百万辆。由于目前国产汽车排放性能不佳,加上广州市区道路交通建设及管 理滞后,在用车的综合排放因子较高,导致汽车排放污染急剧上升,同时,广州市区 交通拥挤和人口密度高,汽车污染排放在广州市区空气污染中的分担率逐年增加。目 前,广州市区大气污染己从煤烟型逐渐向汽车尾气型发展,如何有效控制汽车尾气污 染,促进广州的社会经济、环境、资源的稳定、协调和可持续发展,是我们有待解决 的课题。
本文解释了粗略的解释了汽车排放的定义以及汽油车和柴油车汽车排放的检测 方法,并对广州市主要交通干线进行运行工况、车流量、车型、污染物浓度监测的基 础上,评价分析了汽车污染的基本状况,估算了汽车污染对城市空气污染的分担率, 并提出控制汽车污染的基本构想。
关键词: 汽车尾气排放,标准,检测,调查分析,控制措施
Abstract:Along with the rapid development of China's economy and the improvement of living standards, the city of motor vehicle quantities (especially the car quantities) is increasing rapidly, the motor vehicle exhaust emissions are followed (mainly CO and CO2,NOx, HC and PM10 readings - which were taken and SO2 emissions of), increasing the proportion of air pollution is more and more high, air pollution and destruction of environment is getting more and more serious, has seriously affected People's Daily life. In order to formulate control vehicle exhaust emissions of effective measures, it is necessary for the wide-area (national, provincial and municipal) within the scope of the motor vehicle exhaust emissions makes qualitative and quantitative analysis.
In recent years, the motor vehicle exhaust pollution on human health effects are more and more attention and concern, domestic and foreign relevant data show that the exhaust pollutants on human respiratory system, the immune system will have different degree of damage.
With the rapid development of Guangzhou Economic and urban speeding up the process of car ownership has entered a period of high development, has a large amount of growth, with 2005 statistics of view, the Guangzhou urban vehicle population into 1 million. As the current poor performance of domestic automobile emissions, together with the Guangzhou urban road construction and management lags behind, comprehensive emission factor in the car higher, leading to a sharp rise in auto emission pollution, while the Guangzhou urban traffic congestion and population density, vehicle emissions of air pollution in Guangzhou city in the contribution rate increases every year. At present, Guangzhou urban air pollution of coal smoke has gradually automobile exhaust based development, how to control automobile exhaust pollution, promoting Guangzhou's socio-economic, environment, resources, stable, coordinated and sustainable development issues to be resolved is .
In this paper, the main traffic route to Guangzhou, operating conditions, traffic flow models based on the pollutant concentration monitoring, evaluation and analysis of the basic conditions of car pollution, car pollution on the estimated contribution rate of urban air pollution and proposed control The basic idea of car pollution.
Keywords: automobile exhaust emissions, standard, sxamine, survey,control measures