摘要:随着石油储量的下降和二氧化碳排放法规的日益严格,降低汽车燃油消耗的措施 受到越来越多的关注。在这种大环境下,应运而生的纯电动汽车(PEV)、混合动力 电动汽车(HEV)和燃料电池电动汽车分别引领着三股不容小觑的能源改革潮流。混 合动力电动汽车行业正符合这一趋势。这些汽车通常用于城市运输,频繁的启停和制 动,混合动力电动汽车的目标是使燃油消耗最少,二氧化碳排放最少,同时控制系统成 本。
本篇论文是对混合动力电动汽车变速器设计的全面阐述,课题内容是对于混合动 力电动汽车用功率后汇合式变速器涉及的关键要素—传动系统部分进行设计。在满足 既定的设计目标的前提下,本文从混合动力电动汽车用功率后汇合式变速器设计的总 体方案开始,对传动系统的方案进行分析。挡位的布置形式进行研究分析、零部件结 构方案的分析确定、轴承的支撑及布置形式分析、变速器主要参数选择(包括:变速器 的挡位数分析、各挡传动比确定、中心距确定、轴向长度确定、齿轮参数计算及各挡 齿轮齿数分配等)、同步器的选取、轴径的确定及进行强度校核。
Abstract:Reducing oil stocks and CO2 emission regulations increases the demand for measures to reduce the automotive fuel consumption. In such circumstances, pure electric vehicle (PEV), hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) and fuel cell electric vehicles respectively led three formidable energy reform tide.The hybrid electric vehicle can contribute to this target .Those vehicles are often used in urban delivery missions. Frequent starts and stops as well as frequent braking maneuvers in t hose missions. The target of the hybrid transmission system is to minimize fuel consumption and by this CO2 emissions with economically justifiable system cost.
This paper is a hybrid mechanical design of a comprehensive exposition of transmission, the essay is focus on the key part of the hybrid electric vehicle transmission—the design of transmission system. Under the condition of fulfilling the design aim value, the essay begin from the collective project, the main content include analyzing the scheme of the transmission system, analyzing layout form of the gear, analyzing the structure of parts and confirm, choosing the bear style and confirm the support style, at the same time analyzing the scheme of the bear, choosing the main parameter(include the number of the gear, gear ratio, the center distance, axial length, the diameter of shaft, gear parameter, the gear number distribution of each shift etc), the main parameter of the synchromesh, design the program to calculate the fatigue performance of the gear, checking the intensity of the shaft.
Keywords: Hybrid, Transmission, Design, Transmission system