摘要:由于传统汽车的能源和环境问题的日益突出,汽车是现代社会的重要交通工 具,为人们提供了便捷、舒适的出行服务,然而传统燃油车辆在使用过程中产生了 大量的有害废气,并加剧了对不可再生石油资源的依赖。没有环保就没有汽车业的 未来,电动汽车以其清洁和使用可再生能源的优势,使得对于电动汽车的研究、商 业化和产业化处于日渐重要的地位。动力驱动系统作为电动汽车的重要系统,它的 传动效率对于电动汽车的能耗经济性有着重要的影响。
内燃机的发展,到今天已经相当成熟,这意味着它有一套成熟的系统、标准和 工艺。对中国的汽车工业而言,门槛很高。从经济角度讲,国内汽车企业对于中、 高端的传统汽车技术,与其投巨资研发不如直接购买,但也就难以摆脱永远跟在人 家后面跑的局面。
业内人士指出,要从根本上解决中国汽车工业崛起的问题,强力推动电动汽车 发展是一条不得不走的出路。其理由是,相对于发达国家汽车工业,中国目前的劣 势——传统内燃机技术基础的薄弱,反而会成为优势,因为这意味着中国的历史包 袱比他们更轻。此外,我国在内燃机汽车技术上距国际先进水平有近 20 年的差距, 但在电动汽车方面则全然不同,差距仅有 5 年,在某些技术上甚至还具有局部优势。
试想,当国内的国民使用车制造专家们:奇瑞、吉利、比亚迪、长安、哈飞、 夏利等汽车制造厂都开始批量生产电动汽车的时候,价格便宜、使用成本低、家用 插座就可以充电、而且环保的电动汽车,必将满大街都是,中国汽车跑遍全世界的 梦想也会因此实现。而汽车也不再是奢侈品,而是老百姓都买得起、用得起的家用 电器。
本文基于在对传统汽车主减速器设计的基础上分析并设计其电动轿车的主减 速器。
Abstract:Motor vehicles as a result of the traditional energy and environmental issues become increasingly prominent, and cars are an important means of transport in modern society, providing a convenient and comfortable travel services, vehicle fuel, however the traditional process in the use of a large amount of harmful emissions, and aggravated of non-renewable resources, dependence on oil. Eco-car industry, there would be no future for electric vehicles with its clean and use the advantages of renewable energy sources, making electric vehicles for research, commercialization and industrialization is increasingly important role. Drive systems for electric vehicles as an important system for the transmission efficiency of the energy consumption of electric vehicles have an important economic impact.
The development of internal combustion engines, and today is already quite mature, which means that it has a mature system, standards and processes. China's automobile industry, the high threshold. From an economic perspective, the domestic automobile enterprises in the traditional high-end automotive technology, with its huge R & D investment as a direct purchase, but it is always difficult to shake off the others behind with the situation.
The industry have pointed out that in order to fundamentally solve the problem of the rise of China's automobile industry, a strong promotion of the development of electric vehicles is a way out had to go. The reason is that the automobile industry vis-à-vis developed countries, China's current weaknesses - based on traditional internal combustion engine technology is weak, it will be advantage, because it means that China's historical burden lighter than they are. In addition, the internal combustion engine of our car from the international advanced technical level of the gap over the past 20 years, but electric vehicles in a completely different side, the gap is only 5 years, even in some technology also has the local advantage.
Just imagine, when the domestic car manufacturers to use the national experts: Chery, Geely, BYD, Chang'an, Hafei, Xiali, such as automobile factory started mass production of electric vehicles, the prices cheap, the use of low cost outlet for Home can charge, and environmentally-friendly electric vehicles will be filled, the Chinese car traveled all over the world will also achieve the dream. The car is no longer a luxury, but ordinary people can afford, affordable household appliances.
This paper, based on the design of the traditional vehicle final drive, is analyzing and designing the final drive of vehicle car.
Keyword: electric vehicles, status quo, final drive, application