摘要:采用简单的静电纺丝技术制备了PVP/ Fe(NO3)3复合纤维,通过两个不同温度的煅烧过程获得了多孔α-Fe2O3微米管,用热重分析研究煅烧过程中复合纤维状态的变化,基于α-Fe2O3有良好的充放电性能,我们对所制备的α-Fe2O3微米管进行了电化学性能研究,发现首次放电容量超过1300mAhg-1,高于目前大多数文献报导的容量,但寿命不够理想,循环三十次以后容量只有200 mAhg-1左右,原因可能是α-Fe2O3微米管结构比较疏松,在锂离子嵌入和释放的过程中管状结构遭到破坏,如何提高容量和循环性能需要进一步研究与探索。
关键词:静电纺丝,α-Fe2O3 微米管,电化学
Abstract: We reported the synthesis of porous α-Fe2O3 microtube by simple electrospinning method and investigated the formation process by TGA analysis. Based on the high theory capacity of α-Fe2O3, we studied the discharge-charge and cyclic performance of α-Fe2O3 microtube, which shows good first discharge-charge capacity of 1300 mAhg-1. The fading of cyclic performance are attributed that the porous structure is destroyed easily. Further work will be investigated.
Keyboard: Electrospinning, α-Fe2O3 microtube, electrochemistry