本次设计完成主要分为以下几步:选择合适的配料工艺流程(主要采用重量配料法),对烧结配料进行计算(主要是在设定100kg 烧结矿的情况下,计算出各矿粉、石灰石等成分的组成以及配料皮带上料量),对物料流量计算(主要计算出每小时每台烧结机所需干配料量),对配料系统的设备即电子皮带秤和圆盘给料机以及料仓的容积的尺寸规格进行选择与计算,绘制配料系统工艺流程图及厂房设备配置图。编写设计的说明书
关键词:配料工艺 配料方式 配料方法 配料设备 配料设计
ABSTRACT:Burdening system for sintering is a very important part of the process, it can work well or not directly affects the finished sinter quality and production. Batching system is designed to make all kinds of materials and materials can get reasonable use, make the material more uniform particle size, the material component distribution is more reasonable, so as to create a conducive to sintering smoothly and ensure that the sinter composition is uniform and stable environment, so as to lay a solid foundation for better iron making.
This design mainly divided into the following steps: choose the right ingredients process (mainly adopts weight batching method), to the sintering burden calculation (mainly in setting 100 kg, under the condition of sinter is calculated for each mineral powder, limestone composition and ingredients belt the composition such as feed rate), the material flow calculation (mainly calculated per hour per dry ingredients for the sintering machine), the batching system device of electronic belt scale and disc feeder as well as the size of the volume of units selection and calculation, rendering batching system process flow diagram and workshop equipment layout diagram. Write design specifications.
Key word: Batching process;Blending mode;Blending method;Batching equipment;Proportioning design