关键词:氢氧化铁 动态吸附 吸附率 最优条件
ABSTRACT:Water is necessary for human survival and development. But as the city to speed up the process of industrialization, human waste and food waste, industrial and commercial enterprises, synthetic detergent, and household cleaner and so on sewage caused the phosphorous is too high. Phosphorus is one of the elements of lead to water body eutrophic water body if the phosphorus content of more than 0.03 mg/L, is easy to cause the eutrophication of water bodies. To solve the problem of eutrophication of water bodies, should mainly focus on reduce the phosphorus content in the water, so to find a economic, effective phosphorus removal of the adsorbent becomes a top priority. Iron hydroxide adsorbent combines chemical method and the advantages of phosphorus removal by adsorption, it has become a research hotspot in wastewater treatment.
This research mainly with iron hydroxide and potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution as the research object, by adopting the combination of the static adsorption and dynamic adsorption method examines the pH value, adsorption time, the amount of iron hydroxide, temperature, the initial concentration of phosphorus and other conditions on the absorption of phosphorus, and has carried on the comprehensive experiments, comprehensive above factors so as to deal with wastewater containing phosphorus with iron hydroxide are discussed the optimal conditions.
(1) The static adsorption is used for iron hydroxide of acid, alkaline, when pH is less than eight iron hydroxide in solution show positive, 48 hours after the addition of the phosphorous liquid reaction as the pH increases phosphorus removal rate is higher; At pH greater than 8 hydroxide in solution show negative, 48 hours after the addition of the phosphorous liquid reaction as pH increases phosphorus removal rate is lower, the phosphorus removal rate was 76.42%.
(2) The dynamic adsorption is used for single factor experiment, then integrated every single factor has carried on the comprehensive experiment, the experimental results showed that, as the pH value of 5.51, for 40 minutes, stirring time is 30 g/L, for the amount of iron hydroxide phosphate initial concentration of 107 mg/L, the temperature is 22 ℃, the iron hydroxide on phosphorus adsorption rate can reach 99.43%.
Through this topic research, made clear the influence factors and conditions of ferric hydroxide adsorption of phosphorus, as iron hydroxide deep dephosphorization laid the important theoretical basis, as well as iron hydroxide is applied to the actual treatment of phosphorus wastewater provides experiment basis.
Key words: iron hydroxide ; the dynamic adsorption ; the adsorption rate ;the optimal conditions