关键词: 焦粉 破碎工艺 厂房配置
ABSTRACT:The purpose of this design is to design an annual output of 135,000 tons 0 ~ 3mm coke crushing systems technology, design the most suitable crushing process. At the same time, grasp the nature of coke, uses and values. Understand the current advanced coke crushing success Integration process.
This was designed by coke crushing system selection and demonstration process, material flows and the calculation of the roll crusher and four roller crusher and other equipment selection and calculation, painted coke crushing system flow chart and plant configuration diagram, preparation of design specifications and other components.
The design of the focus powder crushing stage a preliminary design. Required during the process of equipment, and the use of technology for an accurate selection. Meanwhile, the flow of materials and the calculations carried out detailed calculations. The plant is designed and configured for a detailed drawing.
By design, we have developed the most detailed annual output of 135,000 tons can fit 0 ~ 3mm coke crushing system processes and determine the exact plant configuration.
Key words: Coke; Crushing process; Plant configuration