摘要:人类自进入铁器时代以来,积累了数千年生产和加工钢铁材料的丰富经验,已具有成熟的生产技术。自古至今,与其他工业相比,钢铁工业相对生产规模大、效率高、质量好和成本低。近年来国外的高炉炼铁是在往大型化、低燃料比、减排控制等方面靠拢。而国内的高炉生产理念相比以往已经发生了根本变化,过去单纯强调高产,如今根据当前的形势,提出了以精料为基础,“高效、优质、低耗、长寿、环保”的炼铁生产技术方针。而本课题要研究的高炉鼓风动能的课题也正是为高炉高效顺利优质生产、节焦降耗奠定良好的基础。鼓风动能调节的前提是必须保证高炉稳定、顺行, 初始煤气流分布合理,渣铁物理热良好,炉缸工况良好等条件。
高炉鼓风动能的影响因素有:风量,风温,风压,煤比,富氧率,风口面积等。高炉鼓风动能与鼓风量的三次方成正比关系,因此,它对鼓风动能影响是最大的。理论上, 在冶炼强度一定时, 富氧率越高, 风量越小, 带入炉内的氮气量减小, 同时氧气加快了风口前端焦炭、喷吹燃料的燃烧速度, 减少了鼓风的冲击力, 因而鼓风动能减小。高炉鼓风动能与鼓风压力的平方成反比关系,与鼓风温度的平方成正比关系。
关键词:鼓风动能 鼓风量 风温 焦比 DPS
ABSTRACT:Since mankind entering the Iron Age,they accumulate the experience of production and processing steel materials for thousands of years, and already has a mature production technology. Since ancient times, compared with other industries, Iron and steel industry has a larger scale of production,a higher efficiency, a better quality and a lower costs. In recent years, foreign blast furnace is closing to large-scale, low fuel ratio, emission control and so on. Domestic blast furnace production concept has undergone a fundamental change compared to the past. Simply focus on high yield in the past, today, according to the current situation. Proposed a iron production technology approach based on concentrate, and ensure efficient, high-quality, low consumption, long life and environmental protection. Blast kinetic energy is the topics to be studied, which has laid a good foundation for smooth and efficient quality production, energy saving. The premise of blast kinetic energy regulation is guarantee the stability and the anterograde of blast furnace, reasonable initial gas flow distribution, good physical heat of iron slag, good hearth condition and so on.
The factors of the blast furnace kinetic are: wind, air temperature, air pressure, coal ratio, oxygen rate, outlet area and so on. Blast furnace kinetic energy is proportional to the cube of the air volume, therefore, it is the biggest impact to blast kinetic energy. Theoretically, in the smelting certain intensitywhen the oxygen rate is higher, the smaller the air volume, reduce the amount of nitrogen into the furnace, and the oxygen accelerate the burning rate of the outlet end coke and the injection fuel, reduce the impact of the blast, thus reducing the kinetic energy of the blast. Blast furnace kinetic energy inversely is proportional to the square of the blast pressure, and kinetic energy is proportional to the square of the blast temperature.
The subject that is to find an optimal blast kinetic energy forecasting model, according to the existing processes of the industrial, combined with theoretical knowledge and experience of experts, analysis of the blast furnace kinetic affecting factors through software, find out the relationship between the factors and kinetic energy blast, and establish an optimal blast kinetic energy forecasting model, do some guidance to the production practice.
Keywords: blast kinetic energy;blast volume;air temperature;coke;DPS