摘要:随着我国有色金属生产和消费水平的提高,社会上可用的废杂金属的积蓄量也不断增加,各工业发达国家对再生有色金属的生产相当重视,其中包括废航空磁性材料,它含有大量的铜、钴、镍等有价金属,钴、镍等有色金属是国名经济和国防建设的重要原材料,也是高、精、尖技术的支撑材料,有色金属的应用范围日益扩大,用量相应增强,加之国民对材料的浪费与滥用,导致资源流失,原生有色金属已不能满足需要,随着钴与镍资源的日益枯竭,再生二次资源的回收利用就显得十分重要, 废航空磁性材料中有价金属钴、镍分离和回收利用已刻不容缓。
关键字:溶剂萃取 P204 分离钴镍 湿法冶金
ABSTRACT:As China's non-ferrous metal production and consumption levels increase, social miscellaneous scrap metal available on the amount of savings are increasing, the industrial countries for the production of non-ferrous metals recycled considerable attention, including waste aviation magnetic materials, which contain large amounts of copper, cobalt, nickel and other valuable metals, cobalt, nickel and other nonferrous metals country name is an important economic and national defense construction materials, also a high precision and advanced technical support materials, non-ferrous metals growing range of applications, the amount of the corresponding increase, coupled with national waste and misuse of materials, resulting in loss of resources, native non-ferrous metals has been unable to meet the needs, along with cobalt-nickel resources the increasing depletion, renewable resources, recycling secondary is very important, waste of valuable metals aviation magnetic cobalt, nickel separation and recycling has become essential.
This topic is a waste of valuable metals leaching aviation magnetic fluid as the research object, focusing on the valuable metals cobalt, nickel separation problems, the traditional separation of selected hydrometallurgical cobalt, nickel solvent extraction method, and select the P204 as the extraction agent. The extractant concentration, shaking time, compared to, pH, and other factors on the extraction process were studied. The experimental results showed that: the time of oscillation 6min, extractant concentration of 20%, pH value of 2, compared to the O / A of 1 under optimal conditions, the best extraction, the extraction rate of 76% cobalt, nickel extraction rate 45%.
Key words: Solvent extraction; P204; Separation of Cobalt Nickel; Hydrometallurgy