ABSTRACT:As the market process of economic globalization, increased productivity is no longer simply to win, but the use of core technology, improve production efficiency and reduce manufacturing costs, eliminate or avoid waste, process monitoring, to achieve world-class manufacturing standards in order to in a competitive edge of a market economy. In this situation, the research of networking technology in the manufacturing execution system applications, it is particularly important. The Research of networking technology in the production system application execution is a certain application value, it can not only enhance the production efficiency of manufacturing enterprises and competitiveness, but also have a strong application of MES. Therefore this paper about the example of the Xinyang InBev companies, the Internet of Things technology in the company of MES applications are studied.
This article first research background, purpose and significance of such research are described; then introduces the manufacturing execution system (MES), including its definition, development processes, functions, and explore the features and benefits; With current industry is most concerned about things technology ; build a model to improve manufacturing enterprises in the information management platform convergence capability and production systems, the information accurate, real-time delivery, feedback, and management, improve the practicality of manufacturing execution systems. Finally, With the examples of enterprises, the RFID technology applications in the enterprise MES system, solve a series of production problems.
Study on the application of Anheuser-Busch InBev (Xinyang) company about the networking technology in the research of MES has certain guiding significance to the application of other manufacturing companies.
Key Words: Things technology; MES systems; manufacturing
本文共运用了四种研究方法,(1)理论研究方法:通过查阅国内外文献,进行MES系统的国际比较,分析国外和国内对MES系统的应用方向。(2)实证分析方法:用事实进行客观描述,实现理论和实证的相互补充。对MES系统的相关理论、应用效果、应用构建等采取了以实证为主的方法。(3) 比较研究方法:本文运用比较研究方法,通过对MES系统的几种结构体系和典型模型的比较,对不同国家、不同MES系统的应用等概括进行了详细的对比,分析了基于物联网技术的MES体系的优点、实用性以及在中国的可行性。(4)定性研究与定量研究相结合的方法:定性研究是对事物的本质、特征、外在形式等方面进行抽象的理论分析,如对国内MES系统的构建、国际经验借鉴等问题。而定量研究则对事物进行具体的量化分析。运用个案研究对观点加以论证,尤其是在客观分析我国MES系统发展现状时集中运用了此方法。