摘要:企业要创造安全、规范的工作环境,提升企业形象,提高管理水平,必须从现场入手。 来自日本的5S(整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、素养)管理理论,是一种被实践证明的在工厂的现场管理中先进而科学管理方法,是其他管理的前提和基础,也是企业迈向成功的保障。中国的一些中小型制造业基层管理薄弱,生产浪费大,即使早前也引进了这种管理方法,但成功案例却很少,大部分的企业最后以“虎头蛇尾”收场。本文以新意模塑制造公司为例,从5S的内涵入手,采取理论介绍和实际案例相结合的方式,通过对5S现场管理理论在模塑公司的具体应用来对理论进行解释和说明,也展示了新意模塑5S现场管理体系的构建,对怎样更好的运用5S,提高管理水平做了探讨,分析出了一些约束因素。5S理论浅显易懂,但具体实际操作起来却又非常注重技巧。所以本文的介绍着重在实际做法的展现,期望能给中小型制造业的基层管理人员在现场改善方面提供参考和借鉴。
ABSTRACT:To create a safe, standardized work environment, enhance the corporate image, and improve the management level in an enterprise, we must do something from the scene. From the Japanese 5S (sorting, straighten, sweep, clean, quality) is proved in the factory site management an advanced and scientific management methods, other management approach is based on the premise and guarantee business success. China's weak grass-roots management of small and medium manufacturing, production waste, although also introduced earlier this management approach, but success stories are few, the majority of enterprises and finally to "anticlimactic" ending. In this paper, novelty molding manufacturing company, for example, from the 5S connotation of a theoretical introduction and practical case combination, through the 5S management theory in the molding on the company's specific application to the theory of explanation, also demonstrated the innovative molding 5S management system construction, on how to better use 5S, improve the management level did investigate, analyze a number of constraints. 5S theory easy to understand, but the specific actual operation there is great emphasis on skills. Therefore, this article focuses on the introduction of the show in practice, it is desirable to give small and medium sized manufacturing line managers in the field to provide reference for improvement.
Keyword:On-site management;Production management;5S